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Equipment Meters & Dosimetry

Most radiation permits are required to have the appropriate radiation survey meters to assess possible radiation contamination and/or exposure. If assistance is needed to help determine the type of instruments are needed or how to obtain them, contact Radiation Safety at 801-581-6590.

Meter Repair: If your meter has become damaged, such as a puncture in a GM probe mica window, contact Radiation Safety for assistance. We are capable of performing some basic repair. Otherwise, contact the meter manufacturer or your preferred service provider for these services.

The University of Utah dosimetry program provides radiation monitoring services for various radiation workers and users of radiation-generating equipment within our campus. Our goal is to maintain all workers’ radiation exposures As Low As Reasonably Achievable (ALARA). Some of the services the dosimetry program provides include: scheduled trainings, in-service refresher trainings, monitoring during pregnancy, and access to exposure histories.

The majority of dosimeters that will be assigned to radiation workers are the Mirion Instadose dosimeters.

In order to maintain our goal, we request that all dosimetry program participants wear their badges as instructed. There is no need to rotate Instadose dosimeter badges for off-site processing; once a radiation worker has been assigned an Instadose dosimeter, it is theirs to use during their time as a radiation worker at the University of Utah.  However, the following dosimeter badges need to be returned to Radiation Safety:

  • Passive dosimeters upon monitoring period end (dosimeters for the new monitoring period would be received by the worker at this time);
  • Any damaged dosimeters (these dosimeters will be replaced); and
  • Dosimeters that were assigned to individuals who are no longer radiation workers at the University of Utah.

Radiation workers that are assigned the Instadose dosimeters can immediately obtain their radiation exposure from Instadose reads captured with iPhones®, iPads®, PCs, or InstaLink stations. Radiation workers that exceed certain dose levels will receive an email notification.

If you have been issued a dosimeter and have lost or damaged it, inform your Dosimetry Manager. Your Dosimetry Manager will then contact Radiation Safety to obtain a replacement.

Dosimetry Managers: Return all damaged or inactive dosimeters to:

EHS Radiation Safety – 125 South Fort Douglas Blvd, Salt Lake City, UT 84113

Some radiation permits need specialized equipment for exposure and/or contamination assessment. If the Permit Holder/PI has difficulty in identifying what equipment to purchase or where to purchase it, contact Radiation Safety for assistance. Some examples of specialized equipment would be liquid scintillation counters (LSCs), gamma spectroscopy units, gamma counters, etc.


Last Updated: 3/12/24